Entab is an IT company specialized in providing integrated software solutions and ERP to Schools, Colleges, Universities, Higher Education and Vocational Training Institutions. “CampusCare” is the flagship software product of the company. With a clientele of more than 600 successful institutions spread across 26 states in India and 07 countries in Middle East, Africa, West Indies, Malaysia… etc.
For any business, getting website traffic, new business leads, prospects is always important. Other than print media publicity, for an online website – its important to get internet traffic i.e. internet marketing plays a crucial role.
For Entab, we at Kenovate Solutions has made a strategical internet marketing plans to target various countries and targeted buyers of their industry. As a result, today, 80% of their website traffic is from search engines only. Their website positioning for targeted keywords really helps achieving that number and buyer reachability. For 50% of their targeted keywords, their website is under top 5 positions in Google Search Result. That’s not it. 80% of their targeted keywords brings their website in Top 3 pages in Google Search Result.
If you want to know, how we can bring similar results to your website with Search Engine Optimization, just give us a call (91-11-9811336614) or write to us or simply fill in our contact us form and we will make strategy plans for your website.